Taking Charge of Tools

Get Organized Challenge 5: Tool Organization

Did I ever mention that I am detail-oriented? Making check lists and marking off my accomplishments to feel productive makes me happy! I’ve always wanted to catalog my expensive supplies so I would not purchase duplicates. Think about it… Why would you want to waste your money on something you already have? DUH?!

  • Challenge 1: Set Yourself Up for Success
  • Challenge 2: Paper Organization
  • Challenge 3: Photo Organization
  • Challenge 4: Embellishment Organization
  • Challenge 5: Tool Organization
  • Challenge 6: Color Organization
  • Challenge 7: Memento Organization & Project Planning
  • Challenge 8: Travel Organization

Focus of the Week

For this week, my assigned task is to catalog and sort 20 things a day for the next 7 days (140 items over the course of the week!)

How Did I Do?

This week was all about sorting, storing and cataloging your tools, so I put my efforts into selecting an electronic catalog tool and a physical version. Since I’m waiting on additional supplies to arrive, I jumped right into sorting my stamps! Can you say “Stamp Junkie?”

Being a visual person, I like being able to recognize a category of stamps from across the room. Over the past year, I purchased decorative boxes of various sizes from JoAnn’s and Michael’s to prep for this part of the challenge. So far, I’ve successfully sorted and cataloged 5 boxes full of unmounted stamps in DVD cases and 3 boxes full of wood-block stamps stored in clam shell cases. Almost 150 individual cases of stamps!

Box of Christmas stamps sorted and cataloged!
Wood block stamps tagged and numbered

These stamps were cataloged by listing them on my Evernote app. I love the fact that what I enter from my PC can sync up with my phone app version. Halloween themed stamps were placed in a Halloween themed box, Christmas in a Christmas themed box and so on. Note to self… I definitely need more Christmas boxes!

Decorative boxes for my cataloged stamp sets

While cataloging is a tedious task, it’ll be so worth it! I ‘m enjoying the data-entry aspect of this task and look forward to getting the next box. Once I complete a stamp case and file into the box, I print out the details or NOTE and store in my physical 3-ring binder tool catalog.

Note from my physical tool catalog

What’s Next?

  1. I shall continue to sort and catalog my stamps, dies and embossing folders.
  2. Sort and add paper, scraps, embellishments and stickers into the Scrap Rack.
  3. Add-on my expansion base and adjust storage space as necessary to accommodate the larger size of the Scrap Rack.


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